Best Sites to Stop and Visit On Your Road Trip

The last couple of blogs that we’ve shared have all been focused around the idea of road trips. We can’t help it! The warm weather has vacation on our mind and we want to make sure that all of the families out there have an incredible time when they choose to head out on the road. Now that you know how to prepare for a trip and what you can do to keep your children busy, it’s time to figure out some of the fun stuff.

The team at K4 Dynamics has gone on a few road trips across the country. In that time we’ve noticed that there are some seriously cool places to go out and see! In our last blog post, we mentioned how stopping every once in a while to get out and stretch  your legs is always a good thing to factor into your travel plans. What better way to do that than by stopping and visiting some of the most unique sites in the U.S.?

In today’s blog, we are going to touch on some of the sites that we’ve seen along the way, as well as some of the most notable places to visit while on a road trip. If you’re heading through any of these areas this summer, you might consider adding them to your list.

Clark’s Trading Post — Lincoln, New Hampshire

The reason that we absolutely love this roadside attraction is that it’s great for all ages. While it may not sound like something that is going to be extremely entertaining, Clark’s Trading Post is known for its trained bear show. There is a fantastic museum and a steam-powered engine that add even more for you to enjoy while you’re there. One things for sure, no one is going to be disappointed if you choose to stop here along the way.

UFO Welcome Center - Bowman, South Carolina

If bears riding bicycles isn’t exactly up your alley, then maybe this next roadside attraction that we’re going to talk about is a better fit. The UFO Welcome Center in Bowman, South Carolina is definitely a strange stop to make, but that never stopped us. When you pull up to this welcome center, you will notice a large UFO. It is in the backyard of someone named Jody Pendarvis who makes claims of being able to communicate with extraterrestrials. This giant UFO was created as a way for people on Earth to welcome extraterrestrials. There’s no doubt about it, this is certainly one of the stranger places you could stop!

Largest Ball of Twine — Cawker City, Kansas

One of the worst states to drive through when on a road trip is Kansas. It is isolated and offers no more than fields and plains as far as the eye can see. Unfortunately, it’s still a state that needs to be driven through when getting to some destinations. If you do find yourself having to drive through this state, why not make a stop at the largest ball of twine? As silly as it may sound, it took some time for Kansas to win the title of the largest ball of twine, so it’s definitely something you want to stop and see for yourself. Besides, your eyes are going to need a break from the scenery.

World’s Only Corn Palace — Mitchell, South Dakota

We just finished talking about a state where great plains and corn fields are all that you’re going to see, and it’s a little bit surprising that it’s not Kansas or Nebraska that houses the World’s Only Corn Palace. In the case that you’re driving through Mitchell, South Dakota, you’re definitely going to want to take some time to visit this place. When we say that it’s incredible, we aren’t just trying to talk it up. The name certainly doesn’t do it justice. There are various events hosted at this location, but the most incredible part is without a doubt the handful of art murals made from crops! Each year they are changed, so you can come back and visit year after year and always enjoy something different.

The World’s Largest Beagle — Cottonwood, Idaho

The last roadside attraction that we’re going to talk about is another fantastic stop for people of all ages. If you or any of your children are dog lovers, then you’re definitely going to need to take some time to stop and visit the World’s Largest Beagle. Not only are these giant dogs an absolutely adorable place to stop and stretch your legs. If you are in need of a place to stay for the night, there’s an inn inside of the larger beagle. Does it get any better than that? We certainly didn’t think so.

Order Your Activity Travel Tray Today!

Even though the stops that we’ve mentioned above are definitely must-see stops entirely worthy of visiting while on your road trip, you are going to want to make sure that you have one of the K4 Dynamics activity trays for the time in between. The places that we’ve mentioned are sure to keep them entertained and excited for the travels that lie ahead, but you’re still going to need those coloring books and games to keep them busy until you arrive. That being said, make sure that you order your travel tray in advance so that you can have it in time for your trip!

Safe travels!